What are the abbreviations for expiration dates? (2024)

What are the abbreviations for expiration dates?

Expiration date is often abbreviated EXP or ED.

How do you read coded expiration dates?

Match an all-numerical code with a “month, day, year” sequence. If the code you're reading is comprised of 6 digits, it most likely is a month-day-year code. Read these codes as MMDDYY, where “MM” refers to the month, “DD” refers to the date, and “YY” refers to the year.

What does EXP 01 2023 mean?

The label "EXP 01/23" indicates that the product is expected to expire in January 2023. In this case, it's common for manufacturers to specify the month and year, rather than the exact day.

What does JN mean in expiration date?

It is possible that “JN” will be mistakenly interpreted as “January” instead of “June”; however, this potential misinterpretation would result in a product being discarded prematurely, rather than being used beyond its expiry date, so carries no health risk.

What does BB MA 2023 mean?

Friday, August 25, 2023

Most of our expiry dates are in the following format: YEAR/MONTH/DAY. BB stands for "best before" and MA stands for the french equivalent "Meilleur Avant". For example, an expiry date on a Nestlé product can be BB/MA 2020 OC 31.

What's a product date code?

Product date code: an alpha-numeric code found on your product that indicates the year and week in which your product was made. In addition to a date code, many products will have a version code and/or serial number.

What is an example of a date code?

The first two numbers stand for the year, while the last three numbers represent the day of the year. For example, if the code was 11322, you would know that the food was manufactured on the 322 day of 2011, or November 22nd, 2011.

What does exp 11 2023 mean?

In the USA 11 2023 means, most likely, use best by Nov. of 2023. Foods DO NOT EXPIRE. If well packaged and held at the temperature required, (refrigerated or frozen or ambient) foods do not expire without visible or sensory differences that will be noticeable.

What does exp 7 2023 mean?

Over-the-counter medicines like aspirin, cough syrup, and herbal products have an expiration date, often abbreviated EXP followed by a month and year. This indicates the date after which the manufacturer does not guarantee the potency or effectiveness of the product. 7.

What does exp 02 22 mean?

If something is set to expire in 02/22, it typically means it expires at the end of February 2022, so February 28th. However, it's always best to check the specific context or documentation to be certain about the expiration date. Jennifer Neely.

What does B mean in expiration date?

Best before. Terms like "best before" and "better if used by/before" are freshness dates. It tells you how long the product will be at its best flavor and quality. Baked goods, cereals, snacks, frozen entrees and some canned food will have freshness dating. The food is safe to eat after this date.

What does OMB expiration date mean?

The first date in the top right-hand corner is the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) form expiration date. All government forms include OMB dates. The OMB validity date changes periodically and an expired OMB date does not invalidate the I-94 record or form.

How do you read a 5 digit expiration date?

These 5 digit codes, known as "Julian dates", are easy to decipher once you know how they work. The first two digits represent the year, while the final three digits indicate the day of the year that your product was produced.

What does PD mean on food?

A: pd is production date, ed is expiration date. I had to do some research, but finally found the answer. I was wondering as well what those 2 dates meant.

How do I find expiry date if not mentioned?

See The Batch Code

If you want to know how to check expiry date by barcode, you can try online resources that will give you the exact date, month and year of manufacturing. The batch code not only gives you info about the year of manufacturing but the line production line as well as the production history.

What does Al mean in dates?

Anno Lucis (A.L.)

This is Latin for “In the Year of Light”. The term is frequently used in Masonic procedure, and expresses a year that is 4,000 beyond Anno Domini (“The year of Our Lord”).

What is the date code pattern?

Date Format Types
FormatDate orderDescription
1MM/DD/YYMonth-Day-Year with leading zeros (02/17/2009)
2DD/MM/YYDay-Month-Year with leading zeros (17/02/2009)
3YY/MM/DDYear-Month-Day with leading zeros (2009/02/17)
4Month D, YrMonth name-Day-Year with no leading zeros (February 17, 2009)
24 more rows

How do I find the expiry date of a product?

Products will contain an unopened or shelf-life expiration date on the packaging. This date tells us when a product expires even if it remains unopened and unused. Manufacturers typically print the second expiration date on the product.

What is the 5 digit date code?

Julian dates typically contain a total of 5 digits, with 2 digits representing the year and 3 representing the day.

How to read a date?

In America, the date is formally written in month/day/year form. Thus, “January 1, 2011” is widely considered to be correct.

Where can I find date codes?

This code is marked directly on the product (stamped in ink), included on one of the product's labels or printed on a small dedicated date code label. The stamped date codes may be in a low-contrast ink, such as blue ink on a black surface, and may need to be viewed at an angle in order to be seen.

What does exp se 22 mean?

A: On my most recent order it says "EXP SE22" which I take to mean it expires September 2022. I wonder if yours was supposed to say "EXP OC22" meaning October 2022 but the O did not print. On one that I bought at my local grocery store it says "EXP JN22" which I take to mean June 2022. Bill.

What does BB mean on products?

Best Before dates are marked with the words “Best Before” and “Meilleur Avant” or “B.B./M.A.” Non-perishable food is still safe to eat past its best before date (as long as the packaging is in-tact and undamaged), although texture or flavour may change over time.

How long can a product be used after expiration date?

For sell-by dates that go past at home, you can continue to store the food for a short amount of time depending on what it is. Some common products are: ground meat and poultry (1 to 2 days past the date), beef (3 to 5 days past the date), eggs (3 to 5 weeks past the date).

What foods can you not eat after the expiration date?

Keeping all that intel in mind, ahead are 13 foods that do not fare well after their expiration dates, according to experts.
  • Infant Formula. ...
  • Meats. ...
  • Eggs. ...
  • Soft Cheeses. ...
  • Deli Meat. ...
  • Fiddleheads. ...
  • Strawberries. ...
  • Ground Spices.
Apr 20, 2023


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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.