Urdarbrunnen:面向战斗搜索和救援行动的人工智能任务系统 (2023)8页- 开源资料平台 (2024)


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Urdarbrunnen:面向战斗搜索和救援行动的人工智能任务系统 (2023)8页- 开源资料平台 (1)

Urdarbrunnen: Towards an AI-enabled mission system

for Combat Search and Rescue operations

Ella Olsson


Mikael Nilsson


Kristoffer Bergman


Daniel de Leng


Stefan Carlén


Emil Karlsson


Bo Granbom


Abstract The Urdarbrunnen project is a Saab-led ex-

ploratory initiative that aims to develop an operator-assisted

AI-enabled mission system for basic autonomous functions. In

its first iteration, presented in this project paper, the system

is designed to be capable of performing the search task of a

combat search and rescue mission in a complex and dynamic

environment, while providing basic human machine interaction

support for remote operators. The system enables a team of

agents to cooperatively plan and execute a search mission while

also interfacing with the WARA-PS core system that allows

human operators and other agents to monitor activities and

interact with each other. The aim of the project is to develop the

system iteratively, with each iteration incorporating feedback

from simulations and real-world experiments. In future work,

the capability of the system will be extended to incorporate

additional tasks for other scenarios, making it a promising

starting point for the integration of autonomous capabilities

in a future air force.


Having rapidly progressed from expensive and custom-

made hardware solutions to commercially-available off-the-

shelf products, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), colloqui-

ally referred to as ‘drones’, are becoming an increasingly

common sight in today’s airspace. These vehicles are often

part of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) that can be used for

a wide variety of tasks, both civil and military, ranging from

camera shoots for movies and consumer product deliveries to

improvised or specialized weapon platforms as observed in

the Russian Federation’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine. The

latter has shown that these type new technologies are crucial

in today’s combat environment which motivates further long-

term investments in innovative research [1].

The prevalence of UAVs in civilian applications is also

resulting in the evolution of airspace management, with the

European Union’s U-Space airspace initiative [2] expected to

come into effect soon—thereby opening up novel opportuni-

ties for European business sectors—and autonomous airport

solutions to accommodate them. On the other hand, the ease

with which private actors can acquire and operate UAVs has

resulted in new security challenges that also affect protected

areas of national interest such as airports and power plants.


Saab AB, Nettovägen 6, SE-175 41 Järfälla, Sweden.


Saab AB, Bröderna Ugglas Gata, SE-581 88 Linköping, Sweden.


RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Fridtunagatan 41, SE-582 16

Linköping, Sweden.


Department of Computer and Information Science, Linköping Univer-

sity, SE-581 83 Linköping, Sweden.

These authors contributed equally.

Corresponding author: bo.granbom@saabgroup.com

Fig. 1. An illustration of actors in a Combat Search and Rescue scenario,

including a mission commander and a number of autonomous UAV agents

performing a collaborative search. The background environment in the figure

is courtesy of WARA-PS.

Saab is a Swedish security and defense company that

strives to keep society and people safe [3]. In furtherance

of this goal, Saab is the producer of defense and security

products and services, including Saab’s Gripen fighter jet


In this document we use the term Tactical Autonomy

which we define as a technology that relate to functions

that jointly and independently aim to fulfil a mission goal

through the selection of different courses of action based

on intrinsic knowledge and understanding of the situation

and itself, as well as the predicted outcomes and associated

constraints, such as risk acceptance, available resources, etc.

Collaboration and teaming with human operators, as well as

with other autonomous functions (multi-agent collaboration)

is an essential part of the technology area.

There is an emergence of tactical autonomy solutions

within the air domain, and in particular for UAS. It is envi-

sioned that these solutions have the potential to drastically

change the way security and defense are ensured. These

systems have the potential of acting as a force multiplier in

the areas of security and defense, especially in mixed teams

consisting of autonomous agents and skilled humans. This is

not a new idea either; UAS have already been demonstrated

to be useful in civilian search and rescue (SAR) scenarios,

with the Hybrid Deliberative/Reactive (HDRC3) framework

[5] and related WASP Research Arena for Public Safety

(WARA-PS) Core System [6] being among the pioneering

research in that area.

This paper presents Urdarbrunnen


, which is an ex-

ploratory effort led by Saab towards developing a framework

that can coordinate missions, i.e. a mission system, involving

manned and unmanned systems operating in the air domain,

with the goal of better understanding and learning about

what kind of frameworks may be needed in the future.

Concretely, this paper focuses on the first iteration of a

planning, coordination and execution framework for mixed

manned/unmanned missions. The overarching goal of the

Urdarbrunnen project is to develop an initial architectural

design that can be implemented and integrated in commercial

off-the-shelf remotely piloted aircraft systems to provide

full autonomy comparable to HDRC3, but in an operational

domain in which it is able to complement and augment the

capabilities of a modern air force. Following the example

of SAR missions in the WASP Research Arena for Public

Safety [6], we will focus on combat search and rescue

(CSAR) missions in which a mission commander and au-

tonomous UAV agents take on a (non-combat) supporting

role; see Figure 1. CSAR missions differentiate themselves

from SAR missions in a number of ways, including in the

potential presence of an adversarial and disruptive force

element, which make them a better fit for Urdarbrunnen.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.

In Section II, we consider the place of autonomous UAS

solutions in the military domain. Section III then presents the

CSAR scenario which forms the basis of the Urdarbrunnen

architecture design. The mission planning system underlying

Urdarbrunnen is discussed in more detail in Section IV. An

instantiation of the Urdarbrunnen architecture on a UAV

Agent is presented in Section V, which is followed by a

CSAR mission example in Section VI. We conclude the

paper and look towards future work in Section VII.


Contemporary autonomous systems depend on cognitive

capabilities to monitor their surroundings, estimate the cur-

rent state of the world, and predict what might happen next.

They can make use of artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms

and models in order to reason about, learn from, and in-

teract with the world. Autonomous systems have been the

subject of research and development activities globally for

decades, at varying levels of complexity, and are consistently

mentioned in strategy documents. For example, in 2005 the

United States Department of Defense issued the “Unmanned

Aircraft Systems Roadmap 2005–2030” [7], in which UAS

are expected to possess various levels of autonomy. In

addition, the Swedish commander-in-chief of the armed

forces has expressed [8] an urgent need for e.g. autonomous

capability development in the light of a coming NATO

membership and current security policies.

Autonomous unmanned systems have a number of advan-

tages over conventional manned systems or even remotely-

piloted unmanned systems. They are 1) often smaller, allow-

ing for operations in areas that are unsuitable for manned


Based on Norse mythology: The Norns living near Urdarbrunnen were

thought to determine a person’s fate.

platforms, 2) usually cheaper to develop, operate, and main-

tain, and 3) extending the operational domain to areas that

are unreachable or unsuitable for manned platforms, hence

can be used in situations that would otherwise be deemed

too risky to a pilot or operator [9], [10]. Common tasks for

these systems include supporting personnel on the ground or

in the air through the delegation of high-level tasks, where

AI methods are commonly used to break down and execute

these tasks. Crucially, the collaboration between autonomous

unmanned systems adds an additional layer of capabilities

that utilize teams of systems of systems. This collabora-

tion can be exemplified by multiple autonomous unmanned

systems negotiating plans towards meeting an operator-set

goal under a set of provided constraints. One example of a

civilian system that is capable of collaborative planning is the

HDRC3 system, which is used within both the WARA-PS

research arena [6] and within the Autonomous Search System

(AuSSys) [11] research project. Another example of a control

architecture for controlling multiple UAVs for SAR in alpine

scenarios is given in [12], where one human operator is able

to coordinate the actions of multiple UAVs. A more detailed

overview of recent work within AI-based mission planning

for unmanned vehicles is found in the survey paper [13]. In

the context of this paper, we instead focus on the military



Many research results employ a Search and Rescue SAR

style scenarios to demonstrate novel capabilities. In a similar

vein, we adopt the CSAR [14] task and we let this task

inspire our scenario of interest.

A. Mission

As described in the United States’ CSAR Air Force

Doctrine [14], a successful CSAR operation “enhances the

Joint Force Commander’s (JFC) combat capability by return-

ing personnel to areas under friendly control and denying

adversaries the opportunity to exploit the intelligence and

propaganda value of captured personnel.”. Whereas the pri-

mary objective of a CSAR mission is to recover isolated

personnel such as downed aircrew, we will in the first

phase of this project mainly focus on the initial phases

where determining the location(s) of isolated personnel in

an adversarial environment is of key importance. Therefore

our main operational scenario focuses on the search part of

the CSAR task, and we aim to employ search-capable fixed-

wing UAVs for the search sub-task.

The scenario preparation consists of decomposing the

CSAR task into a set of sub-tasks, namely a Search, a Rescue

and a Combat sub-task—but as stated above, the focus in this

development phase is on the Search sub-task. We situate the

area of operations of this sub-task in the vicinity of Gränsö

Castle, in Västervik motivated by the excellent research

and demonstration opportunities available at this location,

as well as the opportunity of being a part of the multi-

domain community within the WARA-PS research program.

WARA-PS [6] also offers the possibility to conduct mixed

Urdarbrunnen:面向战斗搜索和救援行动的人工智能任务系统 (2023)8页- 开源资料平台 (3)

academic/industrial research in multiple research areas, in-

cluding but not limited to command and control of UAS in

Search and Rescue missions, as well as offering excellent

demonstration facilities in the Västervik area where research

results can be presented and demonstrated. Therefore we

align the search scenario—including its general environment

where the scenario is situated in terms of i.e. topography,

features, weather—with this location. This environment can

be defined as a mix of open grassy terrain, leaf vegetation,

shoreline and open water. We partly include open water for

our task as the search operation may transverse from land to

open water during the search. In the first phase of this project,

we assume that the electromagnetic environment is non-

obstructed, allowing us to exercise our communication links

at full capacity. Furthermore, in this phase, we also assume

that there are no hostile signal intelligence or communica-

tions intelligence present restricting the communication in

relation of transmission and confidentiality aspects. Target

intelligence includes one or more persons in distress, located

anywhere in the vicinity of Gränsö castle, and we assume that

this scenario instance (albeit unbeknownst to the agents) does

not include any hostile agent threats, as the initial phase of

this project mainly will focus on determining the isolated

person(s) location. We aim to include threats in later phases

of the project where we also will focus on the rescue and

the combat support effort.

With regards to other intelligence objects we include our

home base as a position for take-off and landing of our

resources. In terms of cooperative forces, we include the

ability to cooperate with external systems in the land, the

maritime and the air domain. The purpose of this is to

increase the operational effectiveness of our search operation.

It might also exist neutral entities in the scenario that we

must consider for safety reasons. Neutral entities may be civil

boats or other vehicles, people, wild life etc. Our resources

consists of a team of fixed-wing UAVs, each equipped with

a pedestal mounted gimbal camera.

B. Measures

We develop our version of the CSAR mission influenced

by the CSAR task as defined in the United States Air Force

Task List (AFTL) [15]. The task is listed under the capability


for expressing the Air Force tasks, where PROVIDE PRE-

CISION ENGAGEMENT is defined as “to command, control,

and employ forces to cause discriminate strategic, operational

or tactical effects. [15, p. 87]. The CSAR task itself is

described to includes capabilities “to organize, train, equip,

provide, and plan for the conduct of prompt and sustained

air operations to recover isolated personnel during wartime

and contingency operations. [15, p. 90]. Within the CSAR

task we focus on the on two CSAR functions in particular:


operations to recover isolated personnel during wartime

or contingency as necessary. [15, p. 90].

AFT 2.3.4 PLAN CSAR FUNCTIONS: “To consider all

the particulars associated with the optimum utiliza-




“To conduct operations to recover isolated personnel during wartime

or contingency as necessary.

M1 Time to recover distressed isolated personnel during

wartime or contingency as necessary.

M2 Number of personnel recovered during wartime or

contingency operations.

M3 Percent of successful CSAR operations.

M4 Cost to perform CSAR functions.




“To consider all the particulars associated with the optimum utilization

of CSAR resources and to produce the necessary products to ensure

effectiveness of CSAR functions is maximized.

M1 Percent of resources used to conduct CSAR functions

properly planned.

M2 Percent of shortcomings in plans used to conduct

CSAR functions.

M4 Time to complete required planning to conduct

CSAR functions.

M5 Cost to plan CSAR functions.

tion of CSAR resources and to produce the necessary

products to ensure effectiveness of CSAR functions is

maximized. [15, p. 91].

Based on these functions we develop the CSAR agent

architecture as defined in and detailed in sections IV and

V. We also adopt the corresponding measurements on a

functional level as defined in the AFTL [15, p. 90-91] for

these functions in order to perform an adequate evaluation

of the mission. Inspired by the AFTL, we have selected the

CSAR task as a Mission Essential Task. This has helped us

to determine what to do, i.e. plan and execute the Search-part

of a CSAR mission. We have also determined the conditions

for this task by means of a scenario definition as detailed

in Section III. The final step in developing our mission

requirements involves selecting performance measures for

the CSAR task as described in the AFTL [15, p. 64]. In this

development phase, we omit the establishment of standards

as also described in the AFTL [15, p. 64] as we at the

moment of writing this paper, do not have the minimum

acceptable proficiency required performance for the task at

hand. The specific measures are selected from the AFTL [15,

p. 90-91] and are detailed in Tables I and II.


In order for a system of autonomous agents to achieve

complex goals, coordinated planning and execution of plans

are essential capabilities. Autonomous agents must able to

handle unexpected events during plan execution. Together

these aspects require a tight coupling between planning

and execution. It also requires any participating autonomous

agent to be able to perform at least rudimentary local

planning as far as it itself is concerned.

Planning in autonomous agents is facilitated by automated

planning. Automated planning is a rich field within AI that

Urdarbrunnen:面向战斗搜索和救援行动的人工智能任务系统 (2023)8页- 开源资料平台 (4)

over the years has provided many different approaches to

planning in many different domains. Research in automated

planning has led to the development of a common plan-

ning language named Planning Domain Definition Language

(PDDL) [16], [17], and many of the various planners avail-

able support planning in domains that make use of a subset

of this language. Planners that can derive plans in any

given domain are called domain independent task planners.

They are often contrasted with domain specific planners that

requires specific domain knowledge in order to plan in a

given domain efficiently. The Urdarbrunnen planning system

can leverage both types of planners depending on mission


Whenever agents interact it is important that their ontolo-

gies are aligned so that a concept like “flying” means the

same to the agent performing the task and the agent planning


A. Abstraction level and planning approach

In order to provide a versatile architecture, capable of han-

dling tasks of different complexity, the architecture should be

capable of planning at different levels of abstractions. In a

mission context, this naturally translates into being able to

plan both centralized/globally and decentralized/locally. With

centralized we mean that one planner derives the whole plan

and with decentralized we mean that several planners provide

smaller parts of a larger plan. Lower abstraction levels are

suited for centralized planning and vice verse.

As an example of centralized low abstraction planning, a

CSAR mission planner may plan almost every detail of each

participant’s actions, e.g. detailed commands for TAKEOFF,

FLY-TO and LOOK-AT actions. But the mission could also

be planned in a decentralized way at a higher level of

abstraction, letting the top-level planner stop at the level of

SEARCH-AREA commands, leaving the agents to perform

the decentralized planning of how to SEARCH-AREA by


The architecture allows for different levels of abstraction

depending on mission requirements and command prefer-


B. Initiatives top-down vs bottom-up approach

When using a lower level of abstraction, the centralized

planner makes all important decisions. This is a purely top-

down approach where agents are left with less room to

take initiative and have less responsibility. In a bottom-up

approach, in contrast, a planner may break down missions

into tasks and further into sub-tasks that are published

and distributed to participating agents. Agents can then by

their own initiative reserve and perform tasks, being fully

responsible for carrying them out. In the bottom-up approach,

agents are also responsible for synchronizing tasks among

themselves. In order to facilitate publication, distribution and

synchronization among agents we add a Blackboard and a

Constraint Store to the architecture.

Planning System



Planning Module



Task Planner

Blackboard &

Constraint Store

Mission Module






Fig. 2. Architecture of the Urdarbrunnen Planning System, consisting of

a planning and a mission module.

C. Execution and re-planning

When a plan that solves the mission goal has been found,

the next step is to execute it. In order to successfully execute

a plan in the presence of unforeseen events, execution mon-

itoring is needed. At the lowest level, an agent performing a

task may need some kind of fallback, perhaps the execution

follows a behavior tree model [18] that details what can go

wrong and how to recover. If the agent cannot perform its

task, plan execution enters a failure mode.

In a top-down architecture there is a global execution

mechanism that when informed of the failure takes measures

to repair the plan or come up with a new working plan.

A bottom-up architecture need to include a plan repair

process that may involve first putting the failed task back on

the blackboard and perhaps preventing the failing agent from

reserving that task again after repeated failures.

D. The planning architecture

In order to meet the requirements discussed in previous

sections, we define the planning system. An illustration of

this system is found in Figure 2.

The planning system contains a mission independent Plan-

ning Module that contains the core planning capabilities that

are needed to perform any mission. This is complemented

by the mission-specific Mission Module that handles the

mission-specific details for each type of mission that the

system can perform.

The mission-independent planning modules are 1) Re-

source Management, keeping track of the systems resources

and agent capabilities, 2) Domain-Independent Task Planner,

required for planning and 3) Blackboard & Constraint Store,

required to synchronize agents during missions.

The mission-dependent modules are the 1) Mission Or-

ganizer, responsible for putting together all aspects of the

mission and executing it with the help of the 2) Mission-

Specific Planning, containing all planning aspects that are

outside of domain-independent task planning.

A concrete example of how to implement the planning

system in a system capable of performing CSAR missions

is given in the following sections.


This section presents the system architecture for the Urdar-

brunnen UAV agents in terms of hardware, middleware and

software. An overview of an agent is shown in Figure 3. Note

that the figure shows all software modules. It is possible for

agents to be part of the system without having all modules.

A. Hardware

Autopilot: Pixhawk is an open-source hardware platform

designed for the development of autonomous unmanned

vehicles, such as drones, rovers, and other robotic platforms.

It was first introduced in 2011 by the company 3D Robotics

and has since become a popular choice among hobbyists,

researchers, and commercial drone manufacturers. Pixhawk

is compatible with various sensors, such as inertial mea-

surement unit (IMU), Global Navigation Satellite Systems

(GNSS), barometer and magnetometer, to provide a stable

estimate of the physical state of the vehicle. The Pixhawk is

also equipped with a micro controller that runs the firmware,

which is responsible for controlling the motors, regulating

the power supply, and communicating with other devices,

such as a Ground Control Station (GCS).

Companion Computer: The UAV is also equipped with

a companion computer. The companion computer is respon-

sible for running the Robot Operating System 2 (ROS2) [19]

software modules described in Section V-C, and is able to

communicate with other UAV agents through the ROS2 net-

work. The communication between the autopilot (Pixhawk)

and the companion computer is done over Ethernet in order

to minimize latency and maximize bandwidth.

RC Transmitter: The radio-control (RC) transmitter is

used for remote control of the UAV by the safety pilot, whose

main responsibility is to monitor flight and taking control of

the vehicle if necessary to avoid any safety risks. Hence, the

system must allow that a safety pilot is able to intervene.

B. Middleware

The UAV agents use ROS2 as a middleware in order to

communicate and share information. ROS2 is a distributed

and modular software framework designed for building

robotic systems. The new version is designed to address some

of the limitations of the original ROS framework, including

limitations related to scalability, real-time performance, and

support for various hardware platforms. ROS2 also incorpo-

rates new features and improvements, including support for

multiple operating systems and programming languages, a

more modular architecture, and better support for real-time

and safety-critical applications. One of the main components

of ROS2 is the communication layer based on the Data

Distribution Service (DDS) standard [20].

C. Software

This section describes the Pixhawk autopilot software,

as well as the different ROS2 modules running on the

companion computer.

PX4: PX4 [21] is an open-source autopilot software

developed specifically for the Pixhawk autopilots. It is a

modular and highly configurable software stack that includes

vehicle control, navigation, and mission planning functions.

PX4 provides a flexible platform for the development and

deployment of autonomous UAVs. It comes with support for

various types of aircraft, including fixed-wing planes, multi-

rotors, and Vertical TakeOff and Landing (VTOL) vehicles.

UAV Module: The UAV module is used to control the

UAV and distribute information to other modules and agents.

The bridging of messages between ROS2 and the PX4

software is done by connecting the microdds client in PX4

and a Micro XRCE-DDS Agent [22] in ROS2. The module

contains the offboard flight controller, which bridges the

flight control interface from the PX4 software into ROS2.

The flight control component is thus responsible for exposing

UAV-related ROS2 base actions such as TAKEOFF, LAND

and FLY-TO. In swarm applications where tight coordinated

control is required, such as formation flight, one could

implement a flight control component in the UAV module

that connects to and controls several UAVs simultaneously.

The UAV module also contain components related to con-

trolling the payload of the UAV, such as the camera. The

camera control component exposes ROS2 APIs that can be

used to perform actions such as TAKE-PHOTO, CONTROL-


module contains a UAV information component, which main

responsibility is to continuously distribute information about

the state of the UAV (such as physical state, battery level,

and flight-related information). The component is also aware

of the different capabilities and attributes that are related to

the UAV.

Information Module: The information module is used to

collect and distribute all information that is relevant for the

UAV agent. It provides a list of all capabilities and attributes

that is associated with the UAV agent.

Planning and Execution Modules: Currently, the Urdar-

brunnen UAV Agent uses the ROS2 based planning system

PlanSys2 [23] to perform domain independent task planning.

PlanSys2 enables easy handling of PDDL domains and

problems by for instance facilitating incremental updates that

reflect changes in the world. PlanSys2 is also capable of

executing and monitoring the execution of derived plans.

It relies however on external automated planners to do the

actual planning. PlanSys2 is tested with the external planners

POPF [24] and TFD [25], but any PDDL planner with the

matching output format can be used, assuming it has a ROS2

integration. In the UAV Agent, the PlanSys2 PDDL executor

is located in the Execution Module since this module can be

used stand alone without the rest of the PlanSys2 system in

a minimalist agent that relies on external planning. The rest

of the PlanSys2 system is located in the PDDL Planner in

the Planning Module.

The Resource Management module contains all available

resources in the form of agent IDs and for each agent it also

contains a list of capabilities belonging to it.

The Blackboard & Constraint Store is needed mainly






Urdarbrunnen:面向战斗搜索和救援行动的人工智能任务系统 (2023)8页-
                开源资料平台 (2024)
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