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i jja yhmtHUtAlii THE SANFORD TRIBUNE! FBAVERILL isms i -A lady friend in Nebraska takaaex-feption to a statameat made In those notes some time ago to the offset that I With- ftosttassSaptainbarws shill have fine nsnlts from ear fan garden Planted July SO we had plenty of radishes la twenty days la thirty day foastrikg beans wwo In bloom and In folrtyflvedaya an early variety 'of wort com was attest ready to tassel ii- rUBUBHXS XVXXT FRIDAY AT Trlbu BnUdiag Buford lb DRAMATIC ART IN AMERICA wnii a young man should not marry until ho hod Mxaed and ssvsd np foe sum soascRiRnnri TERMS OF Om tmi If pild ta tdnaot MM IM Buford todlco aa' MOOPd I 0 Wt If dairyman win pratM wtffl rar-od doverbay sheaf oats cot when the grain to lathe dough and com ho aoed not hoy bran or other costly- rations famishing protsln for hia dairy herd Any cow will milk to her full average capacity fed tho above radon v- --a- OoinoM opu to oonmutaiiOM on aohjaota I of publiB lntnwak Original anuoiMi ra I local rahjseti and vena zwt and if zof avail-1 abla returned to vntor prenridsd stamp an HE attitude of Alt country toward dramatic art is one of appreciation too often betrayed by the devices of commercialism yet steadfast inits following of correct intuitions wherever the opportunity taapprecia to art is- afforded the arts of the theater have been -preserved and A folly oqnlppad Job Printing aotaNMiwiont I la ooooaeted with this offlea All ktada of -printing dona prompt! aad at zaaaoaal ThaTaiama la oaaala am treok at tkafol-1 loving nawa deafer BraggL Buford wood Bpringrale JCBlaad Sanford -Tho mechanical genius of many hoys od the farm Is nipped In the bud by lade Of appreciation and proper tools with which to work A workuoom wtQ stocked ia a prime neceoolty on a farm and ouch a room will prove mem ah tractive than tho comer grocery to the boys on rainy days If they are properly trained and encouraged enhanced in the older countries in the Larin and FRIDAY SEPT 87 1901 It Is au fait now In select social dr jetties to refer to a charming girl as a -potato and not peach NOTICE German countries by fostering paternal systems and in England by an adherence to the traditions of theater conduct that have perpetuated the nnirm of management and acting under which union all possible progress has been made those arts have been embarrassed and hamper- here by transitional conditions that have leaped from actor management and the stock company to A SUBORDINATION OE ALL 1 A Texas steer weighing pounds sold on the Chicago market recently for $182 or 0 cents a powuL --A Hr tree was cut la Oregon recently which made nine saw logs averaging fourteen feet In length scaling 2L483 feet board measnr and the lumber-quit Parted on cash copy to cut abscrlban 1 1 small label indicating tbs data to which ub-l aarlption ii paid tho Bmlth Dm 01 That meant that Mr Smith's tobterlption bail ban said np to Dacambtr 1801 and that after that nma ha will bt Whn a aabaeribar i wa maaaa inas oamu i owiag from that data lag fi ih I Short though the com crop of the I country may be than will ho man their diameter leached leu than forty catting off saw logs when ennj news nw WOO she claiming that many yoMig people get married on mnch less money and dB irelL Thie may he true hat ttl: in no way affects foe general troth' of foeatatemantmada a young man lay twenty-four with good health rad average intelligence has not developed each habits oflndnetry and thrift as to enahle him to save np 1500 or Its equivalent in propeitj be has not taken bold of life in a euffl- -clently aerloas and practical so that he to justified in raking any girt to many him It to not so moch foe money itaelf as It to fob formation of lndustrloua economical and thrifty firfi hablta which are eo necessary to hie future raoceea It a young 'man np to twenty-four hai spent upon tv-'-ery dollar he haa earned he will not take kindly to the edf denial imposed upon-i him in the care of a wife and family Poverty may have Its compeuaatloii -but it to certain that new married folk Y--never realise them Lov moonlight 5 poetry are ethereal accessories of courtship but can never take tbe place of plain beefsteak potatoes and bread and butter Indispensable to foe mar- Y' rted state' It will be a mighty good -YY thing when the average American girl-: YY'V will weave Into her life romance the thought of thf practical question of whether foe mu she lovee to able decently and' reasonably provide her 'A yonnr men may he gqod in sense aad still not be worth shucks Y-'- when it comes to caring for a wife aad he buy ahlftkee or eo gen- erslly incompetent rad behindhand ifi: foqt he drifts inevitably into the army "YY-of commonplace poverty existing bat Yi not living Womra era smooth a mu down after' she mantas him hot it to Y--: 1 vary hard for her to pot any get op rad dost into a laay ahlftleaa ornery follow Better that yon girts net your capa forvfoo hardworking practical follow who pats hia money in tho bank -Instead of Mowing It In on cigars red 1 fi nettoesnd livsry hlr: Zhea the fififi'- chances are that yon have a berooehe vY to ride in when you are forty and wen isfYYY appointed American home to pneido mmittaaea wrdl ha given i date of I radrmncingtfca hia label tba length than enough to make all tho whisky' 1 DEGREES OF TALENT AS WELL AS OF GENIUS ITSELF The product pt thla one tree I when It reaches the consumer in the Once In awhile we come acroee some central west will bring over $LO00k ma paid for TO THE NECESSITIES OF ABSTRACT SPECULATION and road supervisor who does his work cal maassHim The average coet to a to eo-v (faithfully and well that his conatttn-1 him the office aa long aajeure a telephone line and outfit la he live about 80 and the charge for main- la a mem nothing when Beaoe the label Is a eeutut receipt and tla a weekly rtatemant of acoount We Mad this itiaut to preveal aay possible mtsnader-tandlag i Mssutlauams Bemsmlier that the pabUSfo 1- or nast bo aotUsd by letter wkss asabscri-l bar wiobM hia paper stopped BMthattbe 1 mboerlptioB is fall paid np aa the paper J-: ouaot be Mopped until aU arrearages have will not suable us to dia- as we cannot Sad your name on tiniiM year pootoiBoe address la A state supreme court recently ga ve uaeful and practical a ehfog can be ot-Oe opinion that country Justice of talned at eo email a cost no Uv wido-Ith knowTy ewake fanner should bo without one totopbooe wlU pay for Itself every for mighty few ot them do year besides hseptaif the woman folks -If The Irish potato remarked Irish potato remarked to the giVSB If the mercantile spirit which a consolidation of theatrical interest! represents 'And yet in spite of the embarrassment and restraint that dramatic art baa experienced under this transitional state of the native theater it may be -and the fact implies a wonderful integrity of taste in this country that new day is dawning for the arts of the stage in America 'which promisesin the future to furnish for the world of art tokens of its-origination as notable aa its understanding of the beat that the mat of the world displays THERE 10 NO COUNTRY WHOSE ACTORS ARE AS RESPONSIVE TO NEW IDEALS AND AS PREGNANT WITH PROGRESSIVE IDEALS AS ARE THE ACTORS OP THIS COUNTRY THE ARTIFICIALITIES OF THE THEATER ARE HERE PERHAPS MORE MARKEDLY THAN 'ANYWHERE ELSE aiviNQ WAY TO THE VERACITIES WHICH ALL ART SHOULD SIMULATE Artifice and trickery sd long enthroned in the theater that for potato UWy that for once In it is easier to make lino hotter than their live they wem trotting bT the fine cheeee In cold weather jut why pries-! ie clear Tho best cheese made to claw hi foe matter of and murphies alike at canto a Beport ot Roselutlona Committee Cornea In for Discussion The eeoond seesion of Maine I fi 0 TIJ eonvention opened ni Biddo-fififi ford Wednesday morning with a devo-r 'fi tfamsl service oonducted by Mim Anna A' Gordon vice president at large of the National 17 Mrs -'v of Bkowhegan reported on made from September and October i milk when tho cows as a whole are not in' flash milk and when their rations 'are the ptritingn of grainflelda the succulent aftermath of the mead-owe irlth a liberal ration of cut i fodder with the earn left on We fed safe In predicting that there win he no cbm burned for fort In any mart of tho west the coming winter 1 yet In 1SB8 com at 10 cents a ages they have robbed the stage of much of its possible effect for lieMTat peMon5 ttn rfC-r In the year 1861 tho beirel of flbnl nsde at the Minneepolto mills over Instead of having to take in waste? ing to get yonr girl a new spring baL If you have a hoy under sixteen who ibas acqnhed tbs clgaretta habit lick anti-narootica Miy Iauy A Snow of Windham Center an reading and I on human life are yielding to truth and simplieity ui eTery evangeliatio work Mrs 8 Harrl-1 drama worthy of serioua attention on hygienic reform and heredity 4 ALL-ART HAS ITS BIQINNINQS IN SIMPLICITY AND TRUTH FOR ITS AIM AND ENDl ait down foe river to Le cross i- Si-'! it out of him" It to ne nee toppers him bTmi Milwaukee 'thence by laks for ha might jnst aa well ho him at buk -to Duluth wtfoin 150 miles of i fifi social meetings: (sixteen aa llve'to die idiocy at twanty-Sv COU rUIRD TOO THICK Conditions the preerat eeaeon to a greater degree than ever Deforedemoo-etrated the fact that mart corn pirated too thickly to oocate tho hart weulto The dnoght wMch foie yearS-' wee abeolotrty fatal to all flaMa of thickly planted corn spared the crop of tho mu who bed poor eeed and All art suffers iu its period from elaboration -which develops artificiality and from the idiosyncrasies of artists that cloud true ta elements But these are from time to time swept sway and its disci- I Wo to ns as when we get a sniff of The onion to never quite so- attain-! whets it was mraufoctond at a cost of over gl par barreL Within fos part these yaan foa asms barrel of floor has bean pot os board ears st fos mill and shipped to foe eeshoaid for leee 85 eenta 'J If one wishes to grow a Alee ever- The afternoon was taken up with ad-1 fififi ditional reports among them being that of Mias Laura Stovena at Brunswick 'fi-fi (A the wrsk among foreigners and Mrs IY Spaulding of Oafibod on legtala- tioa Mra Angnata Hunt at Port-brnd delivered ra interesting address on Y'YYv? "The whose field had a poor stand It to all onion stow In aoma neighbor's house as go horns to dinner for as mean a I root aa to fos onion it has a good many fascinating ways with it fifi 'i I Wa lately fos east of a cream- green of rad cedar for instance -each hedge should be started with emaU trees which arc lew end bwhy It to the ttlckiicpa of the base of a cry which coet foe stockholders SL500 bat a short time ego being dosed oat I vhitl fives It its Chief beauty eberlira sale and bringing only 14251 Tna Swtt cannot be plea return to inevitable principles Thus it is that stage art is becoming true again after long devotion to the superficial and the artificiaL WORK CANNOT BE ARTISTIC AND EFFECTIVE IN ANY FIELD UNLESS THE ARTIST HAS COME TO RECOGNIZE AND UNDERSTAND THAT HIS CALLING It MERELY A LIGHT UPON THE PATH TO TRUTH AND BEAUTY Actors at this tuns quickly respond to true demonstrations and more than ever before strive to describe the varieties of life J0 apite of manifestations on the stage today nlade through mistaken ideas of managers who estimate the public from their own personal viewpoints aa to amusem*nts and who misconceive the if- The evening sessian was in charge of I young ladies and there were addressee by Mlee Anna A Gordon add Mrs BT Btevenaof the ITationalW IT There were folly E)0 delegates in attendance at the evening session A feature of the late afternoon was a I -fi "Y'diaouision regarding the aooeptanoe of Tnamertas depreciate In value pretty P00 wse which are spindly not need ta haMt when art cot Farther It to Impidlywhen they are not need the casofnl and peratotent pruning and trimming' of thflf yonng which determines what It bIibU be later on 'ifi a qaestian of rainfall and motatur Coold one see tangibly foe vast amoont of water which a field of thickly pirate V' vr ed eon standing eight fart Mghta arty August will pomp out of the soil It would be easy to understand why such Add fan aaay vldtims to arid oondltton-' Than era-hondnda of thousands of oats of eon une tMj jmx which would have made good Y-f! Y- fi fair crop for this season had-foe avenged one and two atalke In a hill instead of three and four under which fi condltlope the crap haa proved a practical fallur This appUes with apectol force to an soils whoso fertility to ln-Y YY paired hyeonfonionB croroliig 3 nHDnra imu ox so chxt coai fp-fif1 good many foeders are debating YY -fi-' the report of the oommittee on reeolu-1 i-'T If Sheboygan county WisY I 306 cheese factories and hut one cream-jSry and this to preparing to make thecae instead of hotter It wonidaeem as though the calf would have a pretty hard road to travel In that county --s tfi fi' tione the contention being over the phmaedlogy of foe section recommend- vitiated taste of the few as representing the general public taste ing farther efforts so secure the tarn-1 11 6 ing farther efforts there is chisefor women much in contemporary drama to cany out the idea of progress and development on the higher lines of art If we wish the romantic on the stage we find it still hut it is far different from mnch of the romantic drama of past generations because more of plausibility has been infused with its incidents When VOTING CONTEST The stomachs and craws of 880 sparrow hawks dissected and examined by foe experts of the agricultural departmimt at Washington In bntooo was foa remains of a game bird found Fifty-three contained other Mrda moet- ly English sparrows 89 contained mice and 12 other wiBmmBi ig tie frag 81 snake 89 spider' and tho fralsnco of tho hawks had empty stomach' This sorely to an argument against the killing of this kind of hawk Vv? If It may be that foe beat place to lopk for seed for next crop of 'com I iwlll be In foe cribs fafa*g what to left at the 1900 crop hot be It there In foe fields of this year every man amid look sharp for hia eeed corn for linextyear Just now as to tho wisdom of trying to food eteai for beef the coming winter the: qncetkm befor whether they era mako anything by feeding 60 cent fifi eon 'One thing to certel than will be a great falling off of beef produo- yf a tlon in John Hubbard the Booheeter I shoe dealer HI give away another I targe Fariaan marble doll similar to the Pope wrote proper study of manViTiri is the stage pre--one Miss Haaei May Weston won at hi MI1ted no pictures of his time that bore true resemblance to the life of that time Mankind truly is greatest study either for instruction or entertainment THE TRUE FUNCTION OF THE STAGE IS TO PRESENT IIFE'AS IT REALLY IS and in doing this the theater need not depart from romance while its comedy will rtom last year only the one this year is about two Inches taller and has a different style drew It will he given to the young Else receiving the most votes at I pm Tuesday December 81 1001 One vote will be given free with each 10 worth of any event This Diet to likely to II The peculiar climatic condltlona of Itho paat summer favored foe mu who iplented poor eeed and planted his corq late Because he wine out foie year it to no reason why hia example should be followed as be would fall nine yean I lout of ten i-'- be happier and its tragedy more convincing put good beef enjmBiB up to fancy prices by next spring and if a hen foe right sort of eteem-wdl brad beef a ni we had just as aoon take Cor chance feeding them 50 cent com this year ns 80 cent coni In ordinary oeo eon The foe aide tone of foe associated with the foedlng of the teen to ears to be a good propoeitlon 1 Now mind this etatement to predicted' 'vY upon tho kind -of steers- fed for- we l-'M weald not attempt the Job with scrub fi s-' FWI vvifcdi gutiW j- 1 sttoiiliitileei4irt Tea cultur ostrich farming and the growing of dates an three new things which an attracting the attentlon of iprogneslve agriculturist If we can (only succeed In raising the tea and foe loetrich plume we can depend upon war ni nice girls to make foe data -cento goods bonght at hia store and he will exchange one vote for every 100 need etampe of' any kind Stamps -printed an the envelope must he out out square leaving- a good margin around the stamp The standing of the contest to date is: Edith Foss (Strafford Center) 18 Hasel Hussy 17 Esther Levene 28 Daley Cram (Alfred Me) 90 Lizzie Richardson (Farmington B) 17 Hattie Beaudoin 18 Every section and agjftultural inter-1 ert of foe country gets itf tom sooner tor later and this year It la fos mu with the potato Add on -the stump lands of northern Minnesota and Wto-tonsln who era almoct set his own price for the product of his Add Glad pf lt for no mu works harder or nn-der greater dlacoungements in the Inaklng of farm and a home for hlm-telf fora does the hardy pioneer who oQowe the lumbermen of the north i -Y- The September flowers are very beau-' Uful In the' garden these waning summer day The aeter aa gncefnl and Showy aa chrysanthemums and giving Umort aa great a variety of color and khap easily stand at the bead' The How Strikes May Be Prevented By ANDREW CARNEGIE -I-1- '-it --tec 1 fifitio vans roa 'fi-- South Sanford Ill'H11" llli'piRiv a new attachment for mowing pu- chine a sort at dropper or hnnche ii to be a valuable help for certain of work done by such each as cutting flax' clover for seed or Many grain crop which mdy be too short jin straw for fos ordinary grain harvester W' wni'i'iiwir kolden glow lifting its yellow crown nay be above foe bws colon 1 may fri- 4 'V 3c systema in going to be Vary de-1 slrable property They will become aa WOULD LAY IT DOWN At A MAXIM THAT THERI IS NO BXCUBE FOR A STRIKE OR A LOCKOUT UNTIL ARBITRATION OF DIFFERENCES HAS BEEN OFFERED BY ONE PAR TY AND REFUSED By THE OTHER No doubt serious trouble at tends even arbitration at present 1 nor -w--s If yonr eon would like to go there is probably no better thing yon could do for him tho coming winter to give him a layoff ftom formwork send him to ono of tho many excellent agricultural schools of tho country Never mind If he te a bit raw and green and' backward with hta etndUk a course or-' two at soch a school will open the ays create new ambitions for' him and make him worth twice aa mnch to yon next summer oa foe farm' As ra investment for yourself let alone being one for tho boy it will pay big Interest While tho form to tbs best -place on earth to raise a strong healthy -honert boy up to: fourteen yson of eg ho than should havo a chsnco to seo BwMiwg oC tho aid world and gathte own measor raemtonara i' h- 1 1 Fame abutting Hues of country tool-1 seen a hundred rads away The tea toeee are also doing their beet and Meteor Victoria Angnst Sunset Bride and acocea of cfoen'gfoe dally offering of fragrance and beauty fi fi-A patron of a attractive as any auburhon residence bbctlon'df oar large cities and because their reedy access to market wm I (of iM-y promote the best types ot a dlverelfled from the difficulty of procuring suitable men to judge fi between the disputant Thera is 1 natural Tnng 1 husinras men to expose their' business to men in whom they have not entire confidence rY" We lack ao far in America a retired of men of affair For the months of August and September than to nothing that win make pork ao cheaply and ao rapidly aa a field of rape and sweet corn supple-bunted with a ration of aklmmllk for The cold frosty nights bring the dread shudder of winter Mrs Sally Bennett an aged lady who fell and dislocated her hip two weeks ago Is os comfortable as can be expected Her friends ore anxiously hoping she will recover Mrs Moulton who has been visiting relatives In Boston the past two week returned this week Mrs Moulton hod not been In city for thirty-three years and found wonderful changes from' Iiorse car days Mr and Mrs CV Lowell of Everett arrived In town last week and have decided to open a millinery and fancy goods store In Springyale Moulton of Boston is spending a few days with relatives here- jfoaplg This to one of theyeallf good which every mu growing hogs know and cafry into praette feo-operatlvt waa arrested on the law of the State for celling milk rhlch footed than 8 par cent of fatilt waa thought that he pot Water In hia milk On foa hearing of the com it was shown that he wronged no man for he only received pay for phat butter fat hia milk showed by test -The verdict met the hearty approval of all the creamery patron but vrt- 18 TO KEEP ON ACCUMULATING MORE OUR VILE PRACTICE DOLLARS UNTIL WE DIE' If it were the custom her aait ia in England' for rawi to lor '-fife -h One of the poorest things which this 1 I when he waa withdraw from active business after acquiring a fortune Ythia dais exporaTtaonsoffoese hog oil JT afirautolmw Sn 1 would furnish the proper arbitrators 1 fifi fi- Xfi 7 7 -Jor mining millionaires who tours Eo- the law In such tram 1 rope with money to burn and disgusts from tho Denver region $5000 the day ho married AX OLD TCOL foe story of as dd agriral- 7 tural fooL Hia wife die like enough sixty-- He aad got om Ho pM her her Hs managed to live with her four bmi 1 and fora om morning when the choree 7 were done went out back of the barn rad put a ballet through hia The Jezebel then trots Into the probate court and haa one-third of the old man's estate set off to her Btrang but Just tho way of the world! a cultured end ancient Chivalry with a Dkiah barbarian a get rich quick Intel on all foot to graceful polite I fend courteous iu American citizenship i WHAT WE MUST SEEK IS A PLAN BY WHICH THE MEN WILL RECEIVE HIGH WAGES WHEN THEIR EMPLOYERS 'ARE RECEIVING HIGH PRICES FOR THE PRODUCT AND HENCE ARE MAKING LARGE PROFIT AND PER CONTRA WHEN THE EMPLOYERS ARE RECEIVING LOW PRICES FOR PRODUCT AND THEREFORE SMALL JF ANY PROFIT THE MEN WILL RECEIVE LOW WAGE Yi Tho Best Endorsem*nt Agriculture remains tho ono business members of which win haver com- A few days since we noted a telethons wire which stretched across a river which was loaded from ono end to tho other with swallows assembling tor their summer migration It seemed to bea regular roundup Every little 1 While they would take flight and de-: fogUtofe pradnettou or price gcb extended dicta high up ni follow goes It oa Us own hook (bough getting fodr beating' rad at 1 last when all foe tenrata had beta feathered In at a signal from their lead-cr away they went to tho soot and tho tart swallow disappeared until foe Wring days come again always probably wllL to certain pretty well defined may he And ta successfully by former hat combinations practically out of foa question' Mandrake Bitten to soli mid guarantee 'to rare the diaoeang for I which it is designed by every fifi In the United State or money -1 Y-'-w What better indorsem*nt can he given a medidne It enres oonstipetion aid: headache biliousness disxfnes Jann-Y dio expels all poison from the blood and Tnakee you well and strong In Uqnid or tablet 85 cent Try it If this plan can he found employer! and employed will be the same rejoicing together in their prosperity and calling 7 into play their fortitude together in adversity vThere will he no room for qnarrels and instead of a feeling of antagonism then will he a fee Bug of partnership between employers arid employed sift' fifi -V-1 1 Co-opera-np limits hdopted in Ty-' K- 1 vyj j- i y-fi fi yX' -fiy r-fi fifi yfi- 'fi fifv-'' yyY-y 'V-'-y -yfi 'Vt 'A 1 -i ''( 8 tfi t' 1 el i I''' 1 Vi'ii' fi fi' 1.
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