Csu Long Beach Teaching Credential Program (2025)

1. Teaching Credential Programs | California State University Long ...

  • Single Subject Credential · Multiple Subject Credential · Other Credential Programs

  • Teaching credentials in the State of California are regulated by the legislature and administered by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC). While students are admitted to CSULB and take classes through our programs, the credential is ultimately awarded by the CCTC. If you have completed a bachelor’s degree and are interested in pursuing a teaching credential as a post-baccalaureate student, please review the information below to ensure your application experience is a positive one.  

2. Credential Programs - California State University, Long Beach

  • This page displays all College of Education and Affiliated Programs that offer preliminary or advanced credentials. View Explore Our Programs for a full ...

  • This page displays all College of Education and Affiliated Programs that offer preliminary or advanced credentials. View Explore Our Programs for a full overview of all programs the College of Education offers, including bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and doctoral degrees.  

3. Teaching Credential | CSU - California State University

Teaching Credential | CSU - California State University

4. CSU Long Beach - California State University

  • The College combines high-quality, rigorous credential, masters, and doctoral programs with a service orientation to prepare educators who will positively ...

  • The College of Education at CSULB is a learning and teaching community that prepares professional educators and practitioners who promote equity and excellence in diverse urban settings through effective pedagogy, evidence-based practices, collaboration, leadership, innovation, scholarship, and advocacy. Each year the College graduates one of the largest cohorts of elementary and secondary teachers in the CSU system. Its efforts include a significant emphasis on outreach and recruitment to ensure a strong pipeline of diverse candidates for current and future positions in the surrounding region’s schools. A key strength of the College’s educator preparation is that it is undertaken as a university-wide effort, with support from the President, Provost, College Deans, and other administrative leaders.

CSU Long Beach - California State University

5. Liberal Studies | CSU Long Beach

  • The Liberal Studies major at CSULB provides a rich, rigorous crossdisciplinary liberal arts program of study. There are two programs in the major: 1) The ...

  • Loading...

6. Teaching Career Overview - Long Beach City College

  • DURATION: A Bachelor's degree is between 120-124 units (typically 4-5 years to complete). In addition, a Teaching Credential program takes approximately one ...

  • Preparing to become a teacher

Teaching Career Overview - Long Beach City College

7. CSULB Teacher Preparation Advising Center - Facebook

  • The Teacher Preparation Advising Center at CSULB houses Liberal Studies as well as all the Teacher Credential Programs (ESCP, MSCP, SSCP & UDCP).

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

8. Teaching Credentials - CSUF College of Education - Cal State Fullerton

  • 25 jul 2023 · Credential Programs · Elementary & Bilingual Education · Secondary Education · Special Education · Reading Education Specialist Credential · Teacher ...

  • To teach in the State of California you must first earn a Teaching Credential. Find the information you need to apply  below.

9. History / Social Science Credential Program - Long Beach - Educaedu

  • ... Credential Program at CSULB. ... Complete the Education Program. The Social Science Subject Matter Program at CSU Long Beach ... School: California State University ...

  • Certification program - long beach - ca teaching social science. I1907. In order to teach history social science in california secondary schools...

10. Credential Programs - UCLA Cal Teach

  • Science Teaching Credential (STEP) · Teach Math · Cal ... credential only" or a "Masters and Credential" program. ... CSU Long Beach, http://www.ced.csulb.edu/ ...

  • Deciding which credential programs are the "right fit" for you will likely take some exploration as there are many factors to consider. Most universities and colleges in California offer a credentialing program, and you will find many similarities, and differences, between the programs. Factors that many students consider include the cost of tuition, the focus/emphasis of the program, the size of the program, the location of the program, the availability of the program, and whether the program is a "credential only" or a "Masters and Credential" program.

Csu Long Beach Teaching Credential Program (2025)


How long is the Csulb teaching credential program? ›

The program can be completed in 3 semesters (a year and a half) if you attend full time however, it is self-paced and the courses may be attended part time. Candidates are allowed 7 years from program admittance to complete the program.

How to get teaching credential California fast? ›

After completing an approved program, the fastest and easiest way to apply for a California teaching credential is online. The program sponsor must formally recommend you for the appropriate certification via the CTC's online system.

How much is the credential program at Csulb? ›

California Residents
Live with Family (Commuter)Live off Campus
Tuition and Fees$7,926$7,926
Additional Costs$15,350$24,684

What happens if I don't clear my teaching credential? ›

If requirements for the clear credential are not completed before the expiration of the preliminary, the holder will be unable to teach in California's public schools with that credential until those requirements are met and the document is renewed.

How much do teachers make at CSULB? ›

How much does a Teacher make at California State University, Long Beach in California? Average California State University, Long Beach Teacher monthly pay in California is approximately $3,284, which is 15% above the national average.

How long does it take to clear your teaching credential? ›

The first part, the preliminary credential, takes about 2 years to complete. The second part, the clear credential, takes about another 2 years to complete. A clear teaching credential is granted when all the requirements, set by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, are met.

What is the acceptance rate for Cal State Long Beach? ›

What is the acceptance rate for CSULB? Cal State Long Beach admissions is selective with an acceptance rate of 47%. Students that get into Cal State Long Beach have an average SAT score between 1020-1240 or an average ACT score of 20-26.

How much does it cost to get a teaching credential in California? ›

Teaching Credential
Professional licensure, certification, or credential-$400
Total Indirect Costs:$26,804$28,065
Total for California Residents (includes health insurance)$52,017$55,455
Nonresident Supplemental Tuition (for California nonresidents)$15,102$15,102
12 more rows

What are the major programs that CSULB is best known for? ›

The most popular Cal State Long Beach undergraduate majors are business, visual and performing arts, and social sciences.

Why is it so hard to be a teacher in California? ›

Because the state requires that districts only hire underprepared teachers if fully qualified teachers are not available, high rates of underprepared teachers are an indicator that districts in that county are struggling to recruit and hire qualified teachers, said UCLA researchers.

Can you clear your credential teaching online? ›

Now you can with the Teacher Induction Program from Cal State Fullerton. This online program lets you clear your teaching credential in 1–2 years and meets California's latest requirements for teacher credentialing.

Is California getting rid of CalTPA? ›

This is why CTA is sponsoring Senate Bill 1263 to eliminate the TPAs. This legislation, co-sponsored by Sen. Josh Newman (D-Fullerton), will remove requirements to pass the EdTPA, CalTPA and the Fresno Assessment for Student Teachers (FAST).

How long does it take to get a teaching credential at CSUF? ›

The program includes pedagogy (study of how to teach) and student teaching. Credential programs take approximately one year to complete and, in California, are typically completed after obtaining a bachelor's degree (post-baccalaureate).

How long is the teaching credential program at Csusb? ›

The Single Subject Program at CSUSB offers three pathways: a student teaching option for a two semester full-time pathway. a student teaching option for a three semester part-time pathway. an internship option for three semesters.

How long is Cal State teach? ›

The program is divided into three terms, each containing 15 semester units of coursework and clinical experience. The program offers three pathways to the credential: Student Teaching Option, Intern Teacher Option, Employed Private Teacher Option and Residency Teacher Option.

How long is a multiple subject credential program? ›

The Multiple Subject Credential Program (MSCP) is a post-baccalaureate program focusing on preparing teachers for California. The 34-semester unit program includes early field experiences in elementary schools, combined with coursework, supervised student teaching and two cycles of assessments (i.e., CalTPA).

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

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Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.