Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’ (2025)

28 Jun 24

Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’

Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’ (1) Caption

Over 4,000 Sudanese families who fled the war in Sudan to East Chad, received plastic sheeting from MSF teams in Aboutengué refugee camp, a crucial distribution as the rainy season begins.

© Thibault Fendler/MSF

As the rainy season begins in Chad, Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) is significantly scaling up its support for refugees who fled the war in Sudan.

MSF teams are distributing vast quantities of essential life-saving items such as plastic sheeting, mosquito nets, and bars of soap to support hundreds of thousands of refugeesin Aboutengué camp and Adré transit camp in Eastern Chad.

Countless families in these camps have been living without proper shelter for over a year. This response fills a critical gap left by UN mandated agencies.

What are we doing in the Aboutengué camp?

  • In June, MSFprovided around 5,000 families with plastic sheeting.
  • In May, we also provided 11,370 mosquito nets in the camp.
  • For the last three months we have been distributing around 47,000 soap bars, with plans to continue this support for three more months.

These supplies are essential to prevent diseases associated with the rainy season, such as malaria and diarrhoea. Though essential, providing these supplies is also the minimum that can be done to preserve the dignity of these people and to protect them from diseases.

Delivering essential supplies

A truck carrying thousands of plastic sheeting, mosquito nets and soap bars
MSF teams unload the supply trucks
MSF teams are distributing kits containing plastic sheeting (and ropes to attach it) and a mosquito net
Receiving plastic sheeting from MSF teams in Aboutengué refugee camp
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Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’ (6)

  • Thibault Fendler/MSF

A truck carrying thousands of plastic sheeting, mosquito nets and soap bars

During 11 days, 46,000 families are provided with different items which become essential as the rainy season starts in the region.

Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’ (7)

  • Thibault Fendler/MSF

MSF teams unload the supply trucks

Essentials are being delivered to the more than 180,000 people who are living in Adré transit camp, located a few miles away from the Sudanese border.

Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’ (8)

  • Thibault Fendler/MSF

MSF teams are distributing kits containing plastic sheeting (and ropes to attach it) and a mosquito net

For the third consecutive day, MSF teams are distributing kits containing plastic sheeting (and ropes to attach it) and a mosquito net to the displaced people living in Adré transit camp. On that day, 5040 people will be provided with these items which, as the rainy season starts in the region, became essential.

Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’ (9)

  • Thibault Fendler/MSF

Receiving plastic sheeting from MSF teams in Aboutengué refugee camp

Over 4,000 Sudanese families who fled the war in Sudan to East Chad, received plastic sheeting from MSF teams in Aboutengué refugee camp, a crucial distribution as the rainy season begins.

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Engaging with communities

MSF has established regular contact with the refugee communities, consulting them on their urgent needs and responding to critical gaps.

“By consulting with community leaders and block leaders in Aboutengué camp, we knew that nearly 5,000 families were living in makeshift constructions without adequate roofing,” said Primo Mawazo Fungamali, logistics team leader for MSF in Aboutengué camp.

“The supplies we distribute enable them to take shelter and regain a sense of serenity amidst the onset of the rainy season.”

Expanding to Adré transit camp

  • Since June 24, our teams have expanded these distribution activities to Adré transit camp, a temporary home to more than 180,000 displaced people, predominantly from Darfur. 90 percentof them are women and children.
  • During the first three days of the ongoing distribution 14,370 families in Adré transit camp have received plastic sheeting, mosquito nets and several bars of soap each.
  • MSF is committed to meeting the refugees’ basic needs and continues to supply 80 percentof the water in Adré transit camp.

“Here, the arrival of the rainy season means the massive return of mosquitoes, and with them, malaria,” says Steve Tegang, MSF medical advisor in Adré transit camp.

“Even if our medical teams are ready, we will inevitably see an explosion in the number of cases in the camp. However, the nets we distribute should contribute to contain this trend.

“As for the soap, it will contribute to counter diseases that are preventable through good hygiene, such as cholera(even if no cases have been reported for the moment) or hepatitis E, for which many have already been reported cases in the camp.”

“The living conditions in this camp are very harsh,” says Sabala Gag, MSF logistics manager in charge of distribution in Adré camp.

“Here, people live in makeshift shelters, built of straw or with any materials they find. That's why we distribute these plastic sheets. In the meantime, they are completely exposed to the weather and when it rains, they have nowhere to shelter. Often during downpours, people come to the health points that we have built in the camp, to shelter their children.”

Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’ (10)

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Sudanese refugees in Chad

A woman watching her daughter as she plays with a mosquito net
A patient being helped out of the tent
A baby being weighed by a nurse, with her mother holding her
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Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’ (14)

  • © Diana Zeyneb Alhindawi for Médecins Sans Frontières

A woman watching her daughter as she plays with a mosquito net

A woman, 20, watches her daughter, 14 months, as she plays with a mosquito net hanging over her bed in the paediatric malnutrition ward at the MSF hospital in Aboutengue refugee camp, Ouaddaï region, Chad. Feb 4, 2024. ©Diana Zeyneb Alhindawi for Médecins Sans Frontières

Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’ (15)

  • ©Diana Zeyneb Alhindawi for Médecins Sans Frontières

A patient being helped out of the tent

A nurse at the MSF clinic in Adre spontaneous site for refugees helps Zamzam Seid, 24, to an ambulance that will transport her to the hospital in Adre town, where she will get an ultrasound done. Seid is six-months pregnant and suffered a tramautic blow to her abdomen when she fell off a horse. At the MSF clinic, she received an emergency consultation and the referal. Feb 3, 2024. ©Diana Zeyneb Alhindawi for Médecins Sans Frontières

Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’ (16)

  • © Diana Zeyneb Alhindawi for Médecins Sans Frontières

A baby being weighed by a nurse, with her mother holding her

Asha Adam Ibrahim lifts her one-year old daughter, Zeyneb Ramadan Muhamed, after a nurse weighs her at the malnutrition outpatient tent at MSF hospital in Aboutengue refugee camp, Ouaddaï region, Chad. Feb 5, 2024. ©Diana Zeyneb Alhindawi for Médecins Sans Frontières

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Broadening our scope for the Sudan crisis

These hygiene items are vital resources in an environment lacking essentials, from shelter to sanitation.

These scaling-up activities, costing over 1.7 million pounds, divert funds typically allocated for medical care to meet these urgent livelihood needs—a gap that mandated UN agencies have yet to address.

“MSF's core sector remains health, regardless of the contexts in which we intervene,” says Méria Aimée Nadje, project coordinator for MSF in Adré transit camp.

“However, in certain contexts, we sometimes broaden our scope of action. This is the case with the Sudanese crisis and its consequences for Chad, with the arrival of more than 600,000 refugees since last year.”

MSF and the crisis in Sudan

On Saturday 15 April, intense fighting broke out across Sudan with a wave of gunfire, shelling and airstrikes.

The violence between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has trapped millions of people in the middle of an unexpectedconflict. Many have been forced to flee their homes while access to essential services such as healthcare has become increasingly difficult.

Médecins Sans Frontières / Doctors Without Borders (MSF) teams already working inSudanhave been responding to the crisis since its first moments.

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Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’ (2025)


Chad: MSF brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in ‘humanitarian void’? ›

Chad: MSF

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF; pronounced [medsɛ̃ sɑ̃ fʁɔ̃tjɛʁ]), also known as Doctors Without Borders, is a charity that provides humanitarian medical care. It is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) of French origin known for its projects in conflict zones and in countries affected by endemic diseases. › wiki › Médecins_Sans_Frontières
brings life-saving essentials to Sudan's refugees in 'humanitarian void' Over 4,000 Sudanese families who fled the war in Sudan to East Chad, received plastic sheeting from MSF teams in Aboutengué refugee camp, a crucial distribution as the rainy season begins.

Who is helping Sudanese refugees? ›

How is the IRC helping Sudanese refugees? Over 2 million asylum seekers have sought refuge in neighboring countries since April 2023. The IRC has expanded our critical services to support Sudanese refugees, including in Chad, Uganda, Ethiopia and South Sudan.

What are the names of the refugee camps in Chad? ›

Office Locations. N'Djamena; Field offices serving 13 refugee camps along the eastern border with Sudan: Amn Nabak, Breidjing, Djabal, Farchana, Gaga, Goz Amir, Iridimi, Kouchaguine-Moura, Kounoungou, Mile, Oure Cassoni, Touloum, Treguine; and one site, Kerfi.

What is the Charity for refugees in Sudan? ›

UNHCR | Donate to help people fleeing conflict in South Sudan.

How many Sudanese refugees are in the UK? ›

There were approximately 24 thousand Sudanese nationals residing in the United Kingdom in 2021, an increase from the 18 thousand Sudanese nationals residing there in 2016.

Which country helped refugees the most? ›

Turkey continues to be the world's largest refugee-hosting country, home to 3.6 million refugees or 10 percent of all people displaced across borders. Germany hosted nearly 2.1 million people, 6 percent of all refugees globally.

What country has the most Sudanese refugees? ›

Ethiopia. Ethiopia shelters about 70,000 refugees from Sudan, most of whom live in refugee camps in the Benishangul-Gumuz and Gambela Regions.

Why does Chad have so many refugees? ›

In 2022, Chad was affected by devastating floods, which destroyed homes, farmlands and livestock. Furthermore, poor harvests and rising prices of food and fuel, have increased poverty, hunger and malnutrition, leading to increased numbers of forcibly displaced persons being pushed into onwards movements.

Where is the world's largest refugee camp? ›

Kutupalong refugee camp (Bengali: কুতুপালং শরণার্থী শিবির) is the world's largest refugee camp. It is located in Ukhia, Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, and is inhabited mostly by Rohingya refugees who fled from ethnic and religious persecution in neighboring Myanmar.

How many Sudanese refugees are in Chad? ›

Overall, there are beyond one million displaced people across Chad. In Chad there are now 542,204 Sudanese refugees and 139,932 Chadian returnees newly arrived but also over 598,000 refugees and other asylum-seekers already present in Chad (OCHA). Sudanese refugees in Chad are overwhelmingly women and children.

Is MSF in Sudan? ›

MSF currently works in eight states across Sudan, supporting 14 hospitals and seven primary health care facilities and clinics, and running mobile clinics in two camps.

Why are refugees fleeing Sudan? ›

Unfortunately, only two years later, in 2013, conflict broke out in the new country, leading to a complex and dangerous situation of armed conflict, economic decline, disease and hunger. This conflict has forced millions to flee and left millions more displaced inside the country. Who is fleeing South Sudan?

What is Sudan like today? ›

For over a year, people affected by conflict and violence in Sudan have endured mass displacement and a deteriorating hunger situation. Since mid-April 2023, the turmoil has fueled one of the world's largest displacement crises, with over 12 million people — approximately a quarter of Sudan's population — uprooted.

Where do most Sudanese live in the US? ›

Sudanese Americans are most concentrated in the Midwestern states of Nebraska and Iowa, with 5,296 and 7,067 Sudanese individuals respectively. These two states have the highest percentage of Sudanese Americans, at 0.27% and 0.22% of their populations.

Who is the most famous refugee in the world? ›

Albert Einstein – One of the world's most famous scientists, German-Jewish refugee.

How many Sudanese refugees came to America? ›

Data table
6 more rows

What is the best charity to donate to in Sudan? ›

List of Charities Providing Humanitarian Assistance in Sudan
  • Concern Worldwide US, Inc. New York , NY. ...
  • International Rescue Committee. New York , NY. ...
  • Invisible Children. Washington , DC. ...
  • Doctors Without Borders, USA. New York , NY. ...
  • Calvary Road Ministries. Corryton , TN. ...
  • Alight. Minneapolis , MN. ...
  • Project HOPE. ...
  • World Vision.

Who provides aid to Sudan? ›

It has also created the world's largest displacement crisis, with more than 11 million people forced to flee their homes. Thomas-Greenfield said Thursday's contribution raises total U.S. humanitarian assistance to Sudan to $1.6 billion since September 2023, making the United States Sudan's largest single donor.

Who is responsible for helping refugees? ›

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

People fleeing persecution and conflict have been granted asylum in foreign lands for thousands of years. The UN agency that helps refugees is UNHCR (also known as the UN Refugee Agency), which emerged in the wake of World War II to help Europeans displaced by that conflict.

Where do migrants from Sudan go? ›

By May 2024, the UN reported at least 675,000 refugees in South Sudan, 500,000-550,000 in Egypt, 75,000 people in Ethiopia, 30,000 in the Central African Republic, 600,000 in Chad, and 3,500 in Libya.

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