Applying and Interpreting the Law of Armed Conflict: Contributions by the UN Commissions on the Syrian Arab Republic and the Republic of South Sudan | Making and Shaping the Law of Armed Conflict (2025)

Making and Shaping the Law of Armed Conflict

Sandesh Sivakumaran (ed.), Captain Christian R. Burne (ed.)



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Making and Shaping the Law of Armed Conflict


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Yousuf Syed Khan

Yousuf Syed Khan

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  • Published:

    May 2024


Khan, Yousuf Syed, 'Applying and Interpreting the Law of Armed Conflict: Contributions by the UN Commissions on the Syrian Arab Republic and the Republic of South Sudan', in Sandesh Sivakumaran, and Captain Christian R. Burne (eds), Making and Shaping the Law of Armed Conflict, The Lieber Studies Series (New York, 2024; online edn, Oxford Academic, 23 May 2024),, accessed 4 July 2024.





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Over the past twenty-two years, the United Nations has relied on a series of mandated mechanisms to investigate and respond to periods of uprising, conflict, and post-conflict contexts (“atrocity inquiries”). These mechanisms regularly consider questions of law, including by publicly applying and interpreting the law of armed conflict (LOAC). Sometimes they are the first international bodies to consider certain issues. The Syria Commission of Inquiry, for example, was the first UN-mandated mechanism to consider (1) the forced displacement of unsympathetic populations as a warring strategy after prolonged siege warfare; and (2) unlawful internment through battlefield detention perpetrated by a non-State armed group under the guise of camps for internally displaced persons. Similarly, the South Sudan Commission was the first mechanism to dedicate a comprehensive report to starvation as a method of warfare in the context of a non-international armed conflict.Beyond simply applying and interpreting the LOAC publicly, when UN Human Rights Council mechanisms share their underlying information with courts in particular, the information “shows their work” and can serve as a rubric for how the mechanism had viewed the elements of crimes and therefore how it viewed the application of the LOAC. Upon receiving this underlying information and evidence, especially the interviews conducted, judicial verdicts may later be reached relying on them. Through judicial decisions and their status as subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law, it is by sharing their underlying work that atrocity inquires have the more concrete potential to shape and influence the LOAC.

Keywords: commission of inquiry, Syrian Arab Republic, Syria, forced displacement, internment, South Sudan, starvation as a method of warfare, human rights, International Criminal Court, ICC


Public International Law

Collection: Oxford Scholarship Online

Yousuf Syed Khan, Applying and Interpreting the Law of Armed Conflict: Contributions by the UN Commissions on the Syrian Arab Republic and the Republic of South Sudan In: Making and Shaping the Law of Armed Conflict. Edited by: Sandesh Sivakumaran and Christian R. Burne, Oxford University Press. © Yousuf Syed Khan 2024. DOI: 10.1093/oso/9780197775134.003.0011

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Applying and Interpreting the Law of Armed Conflict: Contributions by the UN Commissions on the Syrian Arab Republic and the Republic of South Sudan | Making and Shaping the Law of Armed Conflict (2025)


What is the law of armed conflict? ›

The law of armed conflict is a branch of international law, the law that States have agreed to accept as binding upon them in their dealings with other States. As well as governing relationships between States, international law applies to the conduct of hostilities within a State.

How does humanitarian law protect civilians during armed conflicts? ›

Protection for the civilian population is a basic element of humanitarian law: civilians and all those not taking part in the fighting must on no account be attacked and must be spared and protected.

What are the three foundation principles of the laws of armed conflict? ›

Three interdependent principles—military necessity, humanity, and honor—provide the foundation for other law of war principles—such as, distinction and proportionality—and most of the treaty and customary rules of the law of war.

What are the causes of armed conflict? ›

  • of power imbalances (a concept known since Roman domination) ;
  • of economic growth and free trade ;
  • of relative deprivation (difference between expected and real access to well-being and power) ;
  • of deterioration of the environment ;
  • of the state as such and the ideology of nationalism ;

How does armed conflict affect civilians? ›

Armed conflicts mean devastating loss of civilian life, massive displacement and violations of human rights and international humanitarian law.

How does armed conflict violate human rights? ›

These include actions that are recognised as violating the most basic human rights, such as violence endangering life, torture and physical or moral coercion, as well as non-compliance with many due process rights. The Convention forbids in the strongest terms the utilisation of human shields.

What is protection of civilians in armed conflict UN? ›

Many peacekeeping missions have a mandate to protect civilians, in particular those under threat of physical harm. The Protection of Civilians (POC) is a responsibility that includes all parts of a peacekeeping mission: civilian, police and military.

What is the meaning of armed conflict? ›

An armed conflict is said to exist when there is an armed confrontation between the. armed forces of States (international armed conflict), or between governmental authorities and. organised armed groups or between such groups within a State (non-international armed conflict).

What is the rule of law in armed conflicts project? ›

The Rule of Law in Armed Conflicts Project (RULAC Project) is an initiative of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights to support the application and implementation of the international law of armed conflict.

What is a military target law of armed conflict? ›

The targeting of objects involves all of LOAC's four core principles, distinction, military necessity, unnecessary suffering, and proportionality – particularly distinction. Distinction, the cardinal principle of LOAC/IHL, is at the heart of lawful targeting.

What is the law of armed conflict self defense? ›

It refers to the use of force to repel an attack or imminent threat of attack directed against oneself or others or a legally protected interest. Self-defense in international law refers to the inherent right of a State to use of force in response to an armed attack.

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